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- The 750k Blogging Challenge: Write and Grow
The 750k Blogging Challenge: Write and Grow
Content over Container.

Hello Everyone.
There would be a blogging challenge in this month of November for 750K challenge participants.
Anyone not a part of the community can still use this model to participate.
The purpose of the challenge is to get participant conversant with creating value on the Internet.
Every participant would need to write at least 13 articles before December 1st.
The blogging challenge would run on Substack.
Every participant would need to open a Substack Blog
The nature of the content is marketing based.
Participants would need to create content that would drive demand for the goods or services that they offer.
However it is important to note that the core purpose of this challenge is to make participant increase their knowledge base when it comes to their industry.
As at now, they are majorly writing for themselves, not only an Audience.
How Will I Know What To Write?
There are two types of brands that would be participating in this challenge.
Personal Brands
Business Brands
Personal Brands would need to do a research of Top Bloggers in their Niche( Better if it is Nigerians) to see the kind of content that they create.
For example, A Copywriter would can check the blogs of top copywriters to see the kind of content they create, that would inspire them on the kind of things to write about.
A Business brand like a Fashion Store, can check top fashion blogs to know the type of content to create.
Also check businesses in your niche that run online blogs (mostly foreign brands) Example is Intercom
It is important to note that plagiarism would lead to eviction. Study the content of others and write yours by using your own unique stories and experiences.
Blog posts of participants would be subject to plagiarism tests.
Participants should do a study of how to infuse storytelling into content.
Word Count for this Challenge is at least 700 Words per article
Tips On How To Pass the Challenge
1) There are 26 Days left in the month. Participants can use 13 days to read widely and 13 days for creating content. They can alternate between reading and writing everyday.
2) Anyone who is ready to pass this challenge should use today to create their Substack blog and also lay the foundation for their writing, so they can write their first blog post by tomorrow.
3) Use Platforms like Quora and Answer The Public to find out questions that people are asking when it comes to your niche, this would help you get better resources and questions to work with.
4) Social Media would be your greatest doom when it comes to passing this challenge. I will advice you to do your Reading/Research Or Writing as the case may be first thing in the morning before opening WhatsApp or any social media for the day.I follow this routine, there are days I don’t come online until 10/11am.
5) The earlier you start this challenge, the better. The more you wait, the greater your chances of being evicted. Start Today.
6) Pick a blog(maximum of two) that would give you all the examples you need. In this case the lesser the better, learning from so many places at once can confuse you. For Five years, Jon Morrow’s content was my number one source of Inspiration and by modelling him, I was able to grow my blog.
7) Create a Note Taking system, as you read take down points that would assist you while writing(especially those who don’t have a laptop)
8) I will advice everyone to check out Ryan Robinson or Jon Morrow ( Use Google to find their blogs, don’t ask me) guides on starting a blog, focus on areas that have to do with content creation alone for now.
If you are not a part of the 750k Group and you would like to join, you can pay for the upcoming WhatsApp Domination course by hitting the button below.
The course would teach you everything that has to do with making money on WhatsApp, it has been taken by over 250 people and my students make between 20,000 to over 500,000 monthly on WhatsApp.
You can take advantage of my current 40% birthday discount and pay less than the current class fee.