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- 🤹🏽 The Builders Trilemma: Three things that are Killing Your Creative Spirit.
🤹🏽 The Builders Trilemma: Three things that are Killing Your Creative Spirit.
They Make Motivation Useless

A man bought a Toy Leopard for his little daughter.
When he brought it home and showed it to her.
She started crying.
She found it scary and believed that it could harm her so she refused to touch it.
But after different reassurances and seeing a lot of people touch it without being harmed, she came close and touched it.
After several touches, she was convinced that it was powerless and with time it became her favourite toy.
The girl in this story is you.
And the Leopard is that goal or vision that you have written down that you want to accomplish.
However anytime you come to think about it, there are certain fears that come to mind.
You might have even gotten to the stage where you are making some attempts at it but it looks like it would swallow you.
And the fact that there are people who have achieved what you are aiming for is not even helping.
Your circumstances look and feel different.
The purpose of today’s newsletter is to give you an insight into the real problems that you are facing.
Most people think that their problem is a lack of skills.
Or a lack of capital.
Yes, these things can be a problem, but there are other foundational issues that if you don’t resolve, you will have a much bigger problem.
Skilled people still fail.
There are people who raise capital but are still not able to find success.
So before you get to these stages, it is important that you take care of the root needs or problems first.
So that any skill you learn or any money you raise would be of great value to you because you will use them properly.
So let’s take a look at these three things.
I would also be linking resources that would help you.
So depending on the one that you are struggling with, follow the link and get a much deeper insight.
Let’s move.
Lack of Clarity
This is the number one reason why you might be struggling with what you are building.
Until you fully understand why you are going through a certain process and why it matters, there are some things that you would never be able to achieve.
It would also be hard for you to be disciplined.
Discipline does not come from strength.
It comes from having a solid understanding of why something matters.
There is a popular saying used by Athletes that I love so much.
The Mind gives up before the Body.
It means that your mental strength is more important than your physical strength.
So do a quick review of that skill that you are learning.
Or that business that you are building.
Why are you learning or building it?
What are your short-term and long-term goals?
Are you building it because you believe in it?
Or you are just doing it because every other person is doing it?
If you lack clarity, it is very important that you pause whatever you are doing and get it.
Even if it seems like everything is going fine now.
There are always dry seasons while building, having clarity is what would help you remain confident during dry seasons.
For a much deeper insight on clarity, watch this video from my Day One Conference earlier this year.
The video is long, but I have helped you skip to the area that talks about Clarity.
So use this link to go straight to that point: On Getting Clarity
Fear is a four-letter word that has done so much damage.
It has crippled a lot of great men who have gone to the grave without blessing the world with the things that they carry.
You already have a deep revelation of fear.
So let’s just drive straight to the solution.
Over my past five years of teaching online, I have discovered three things that Instantly help you overcome fear.
You can quickly read about them with this link: Fear is Defeated
Ego Is The Enemy
Ego is less popular than lack of clarity and fear.
But sometimes I believe that it does the greatest damage.
The painful thing about Ego is that it does not leave you alone.
It affects but successful and unsuccessful people.
There are three stages to building anything
Aspiration Stage: When you are still thinking about building something.
Success Stage: When you start building and see results.
Failure Stage: When you build and don’t get results.
Ego always manifests in these three stages because it boils down to one thing.
How you see yourself.
I will urge you to read the article below so that you can learn how to conquer this silent enemy.
It is one of those things that you suffer from without even being aware.
Read about Ego Here: Ego Is Truly the Enemy
That is all for this week’s edition of Builders’ Digest.
I have so many things coming this week and in the coming weeks.
So before you go on to read any of the articles that I listed above.
Quickly hit the subscribe button below.
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