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- 🔑 On Great Opportunities and the Right Way to Focus.
🔑 On Great Opportunities and the Right Way to Focus.
Opportunity comes but once.
Last week was terrific for me.
I gained clarity on a lot of things that had to do with my building Journey.
And though I share all my Insights daily on my WhatsApp Status
I believe that my Newsletter subscribers deserve to get some of these things.
So let’s dive straight in.

On Great Opportunities.
I was reading one of my favourite newsletters last week and the author shared a quote that got me thinking about how I approach certain things.
The quote goes like this:
Treat every opportunity like a great opportunity and you would find out that some of them are.
Personally, this quote resonated a lot with me because some months ago, I lost a great opportunity because I was not able to recognize it on time.
It is something that I still regret today.
But beyond what happened, I have learned to create a mental model to access these opportunities.
Of course, you can’t say yes to everything and there are some things that are not truly worth your time.
So I have come up with a framework that I can lend to you.
a) Is the Opportunity related to what you do: if the opportunity is related to what you do, then it may do you good if you give it a second thought and seek ways to integrate it into what you do.
One of the things I teach Chasing Jeff Bezos members is how to create RoadMaps for themselves.
Companies are not the only brands that need to have a roadmap.
You can have a personal Roadmap too.
So as you assess opportunities, you can find ways to fit them into what you are building, both in the short and long term.
That is if they can be fitted into what you do.
If not, then you can say No to it.
Like I said earlier, you must not jump on everything, but the key is to properly assess that thing before you make up your mind.
b) Who is presenting me with this opportunity: if the person presenting you with that opportunity is in the same industry or niche as you then you might just need to pay more attention.
Doesn’t mean that you are to ignore people not in the same industry as you, but people in your industry are more likely to present you with the most beneficial things and things that you can also integrate faster into what you are doing.
Good Luck.

After Steve Jobs made a come back as Apple CEO.
He met a company that was very different from the one he left.
Apple has gone on to launch multiple products and most of them had nothing to do with what the Apple Brand stood for.
So while executives were blabbing about the different products during his first meeting after coming back, he stood up and drew this diagram on the board.
And by the time he was done, Apple’s product offering was trimmed down to four.
So Apple gave all their focus to creating Desktop and Portable computers for the consumer and professional markets.
It is a framework that I have stared at a lot since I came across it.
I have been thinking of ways to properly group the things that I was offering.
Because I know that it would help me a lot in focusing more on the things that I am really good at.
So if you have so many things going on.
Download that framework, stare at it and find a way to adapt it to what you are building.
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