- Day One
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- 🌞 On New Beginnings: Giving You A Sneak Peek Into The Operating System That I am Building.
🌞 On New Beginnings: Giving You A Sneak Peek Into The Operating System That I am Building.
You Need To Read This

The last time I wrote an article here was December 31st 2020.
I moved my Newsletter to Convertkit in 2021 and published some guides there.
The reason was tied around the kind of community marketing strategy that I wanted to adopt.
Well with time, I discovered that while it is a great idea, it wasn’t fitting into the way I wanted to run my brand.
So I am back here on Substack.
There is also a whole lesson on Content distribution tied to this decision.
But I would leave that lesson to Chasing Jeff Bezos members.
A whole lot has happened between 2020 and now.
I have learnt so much more than I know. ( Hello NFT)
I have built more solid brand equity for both myself, my students and my partners.
I have also started a company around something that I am deeply passionate about which is Online Education.
But I am not here to bore you with all the details, I am here to tell you the ones that I believe matters to you.
So sit back and let’s take a journey down Ajulu lane.
It Starts on WhatsApp.

My WhatsApp is the number one hub for my brand.
I started building a brand there in October 2018.
Funny enough I had doubts in those early days about WhatsApp (mostly fear), it took my very good friend Omoba to assure me that it would work.
When it comes to my growth as an Individual I tell people that I currently remember two distinct phases.
2012 -2016
These were the learning years, I learned all I could about building an online brand.
From Newspapers, books and also the Internet.
I lacked the funds and gadgets needed to start building, but everything changed when I eventually got a laptop towards the end of 2016 and that marked the beginning of a new era for me.
The greatest thing that I learned from this era is best summarised by a quote made by the great Abraham Lincoln.
I will study and prepare myself and one day my time will come.
If you are passionate about something but lack the resources to start, stay on it and learn all you can while waiting for an opportunity to start.
Also, seek ways to get those resources, the Internet is not what it was in 2012.
If things were the way they are now, I would have gotten a laptop much earlier.
Back then you could not even blog with a phone, which is very easy now.
2017 - 2021?
I put that question mark after 2021 because I feel that I am stepping into the next era.
But I still kind of feel that I am still caught up in the era that started in 2017.
Well, time will tell.
I discovered the power of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies on January 26th 2017.
And ever since then, my life has not remained the same.
Cryptocurrencies are community-driven, so it provided me with the perfect platform to practice all that I have been learning for the five years before that.
I made my first Million from a Blockchain platform.
And I have gone on to work and still working with different Blockchain/Cryptocurrency based startups.
You see, these changes didn’t happen on their own.
They were a result of the people that I met and connected with and also served.
People don’t like hearing the word “Serve”.
But if you don’t embrace service you would have a very limited impact here on Earth.
About Superday: The Other Operating System

I am actually currently building two operating systems.
The first is around my personal brand (Ajulu) and the second is around Superday which is an online education-focused startup.
Ajulu, abeg wetin be Operating system ?
You probably have this question on your mind by now.
I would answer it, but not from a dictionary standpoint.
As human beings, we have a lot that comes at us daily.
And the smarter you are, the more responsibilities that come to you.
And the smartness that I am talking about here points toward your willingness to grow and not what people may think about you.
An operating system in my books is simply a system that you set up to power your learning and earning process.
Learning - everything that has to do with increasing your knowledge on how to grow in your field.
Earning - everything that has to do with the systems that help you extract the most value from what you are building.
Did you know that there are at least three income streams that you can set up for any skill that you have or business that you run?
Most people only know/set up one leaving a lot of money on the table.
To know how to set up more income streams from what you do, read on.
I will shed more light in the Chasing Jeff Bezos section of this post.
And like the Operating system that you know and use (Windows, Andriod etc), a working system can be cloned and used by other devices.
We are all building diverse things.
This is why I always focus on the principle that works for anyone no matter what they are building.
That’s why despite the fact that I have built a Career around Growth and Marketing, people who are software developers, Designers, and even vocations like Fashion Design and Farming find my content and courses helpful.
So Superday.
I can’t give a full dive into what I am building with Superday, but I will share a little.
I call it: Learning Infrastructure for The Internet.
This big English I just wrote simply means that we are studying structures that make offline learning effective and creating online equivalents of them.
So while our App would be ready in one week's time (Ernest abeg).
It is just a part of what we are offering as a brand, we have so many systems to put in place.
Learning (mostly content) was brought online with a few of the systems that made offline learning work.
That’s why you can study a course for four years and graduate, but you are finding it hard to finish that one-week online course that you paid for in January.
Even those PDFs that you have been saving to your phone and laptop, we are going to help you with how to go about them.
I am building Superday currently with Ernest. He was my classmate at the university.
He was also one of the people that took my shouts during the 2020 pandemic to learn a skill serious.
So while some people were telling me to leave people alone because they were depressed due to Covid.
People like Ernest started learning how to code.
He is a full-stack developer now and works with Foreign brands.
But I am not here to press necks but gist you on what I am building.
Let’s continue.
Ajulu The Website

My website is an extension of what I am building with my personal brand.
It currently hosts just my blog articles.
But by the end of this week, it will also host my courses, Work Page, this Newsletter and also Chasing Jeff Bezos.
I love writing.
And even as I write this newsletter, there is a joy within me because I know the amount of Impact that it would bring.
I will be writing and building a lot this year and you would gain a lot by just following.
So before you continue this article, take a few seconds and subscribe to this newsletter because I will be delivering so much good through it.
I have not been able to write as I wanted to for over three years now, and I am finally getting my writing cap back.
I would also be more active on Twitter, so you can follow me there too.

Chasing Jeff Bezos

Can the Eagle Soar?
Since 2019, I have created all types of learning programs.
The impact of Chasing Jeff Bezos will beat all of them.
At this point, I am going beyond just building people, but also helping people build brands that are highly impactful.
And while at this point I have settled for a very low entry price that would no doubt make my Mentor knock me.
I still always like giving an early low entry price for my programs because they are people who truly can’t afford to pay big.
So keep an eye on my WhatsApp Status for when Chasing Jeff Bezos is launching, the affordable slots would be very limited.
I have so much coming up over the coming months.
If you follow me closely, you would also learn how to create an operating system that would help you achieve all your goals.
I promise to keep bringing the best content, classes and even more unique experiences.
What was your major takeaway from this post?I would love to hear from you in the comment section below
Keep Reading
Learn How to Make Money on WhatsApp, from Writing and from NFTs with the link below.
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