- Day One
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- The One Thing You Need If You Want To Move To Canada
The One Thing You Need If You Want To Move To Canada
A New Era
When you buy a Toothpaste
You use it liberally at first.
Pressing out long lines of the paste and covering the surface area of your toothbrush.
However with time, as the paste starts to finish.
You become more conscious of the amount of paste that you use.
Till you are pressing out tiny bits that is just enough to do the work.
Or just cutting up the tube to scrape all available paste.
This is how most people use their time.
I would have gone on now to explain why you need to use your time more intentionally.
And what and what you need to do, but I would spare that for superhuman students.
Today is the second day of a new month.
I received lots of new month messages yesterday and most pointed to a particular theme.
Something that rocked both us and people from around the world that watched.
The #ENDSARS protest.
A lot of people were thrown off balance as a result of it.
The most popular question that I got during the whole saga was:
How are you managing your productivity?
This was because the online and offline protests kept everyone highly distracted.
The truth is that I achieved very little during that period.
Like everyone, I found myself frozen in time.
The brutality meted on peaceful protesters and the lackadaisical attitude of the government made everyone lose hope.
The Speech made by the president after the Lekki killings didn’t help matters.
It made things worse.
Spiritually almost everyone fled abroad that night.
Some people just wanted everything to end, so that life would go back to normal.
But the Truth is that nothing would ever go back to normal after this.
Starting from Corona Virus earlier this year.
We have seen a drastic change to the way we live and work.
Lots of plans and dreams has been cut off or short.
However there is hope and always a way to drive growth.

There are questions that you need to start asking yourself now whether you are working on something currently or not.
Who am I?
Why do I do this ?
Should I keep doing this ?
Who do I Need to become ?
The only way to survive and make a mark moving forward is for you to ruthlessly reinvent yourself.
You need to take your personal growth and your business very seriously.
Surviving here or moving abroad depends greatly on that.
Canada just announced that they aim to bring in 1.2 Million Immigrants within the next three years.
If you are someone who has interest in leaving Nigeria, this is an opportunity for you.
However there is one requirement.
You need to be skilled in something. So let me ask, what are you skilled in?
It is easy to seek to live a better life, both here or abroad.
But achieving that is tied to making yourself a person of value.
There is no place for empty people in this world when it comes to the table of greatness.
You have to earn your place, by filling yourself with the right things.
This year alone is enough to teach anyone that hope without work is empty.
Nigeria will be better, but things would get harder before it gets better.
Look around and see what’s happening.
Our currency is losing value by the day.
Things like food is becoming more and more expensive.
This is not a time where you need to waste time doing and discussing irrelevant things.
It’s a crime for you to waste data in this period.
You need to channel every possible energy and resource towards growth.
Especially those who claim to be students and use things like resumption and also NYSC as an excuse while away their time.
Yesterday, I saw something on someone’s status update.
A first-class student he knew had been finding it hard to get a job.
The guy graduated in 2016.
The only thing that can save you in the world that we live in currently is to find the skills with the most demand, and learn one of them.
Going back to my Toothpaste analogy.
Today is November 2nd.
2020 turned out to be a Fat Toothpaste Tube that intimidated everyone.
But we are winding up.
And even though there is little paste left, there is a lot that can be achieved with it.
It doesn’t matter if you have achieved nothing this year.
There is still time to get something done.
Don’t be among the class of people waiting for 2021 before they start.
The difference between 2020 and 2021 is just one second.
A New Year doesn't reset the world.
Those who have set systems would keep benefitting from it.
And those who fail to do so will keep finding themselves being victims of circumstances.
So if you plan to travel to Canada, now is the best time to start learning the skills that will take you there.
If you also want to remain in Nigeria, you would also need skills to survive.

If you are someone that is passionate about national transformation.
You need to understand the first step is Human Resource development.
A country is only as good as its citizens.
It has even been proven that when resourceful people come together, they have more impact than our current government.
So I urge everyone to play a role in helping people around them grow.
Especially young people.
With that said, I want to announce that I and some of my students( Now Family) would be launching a Media company.
The focus is education and we aim to help as many people as possible become better versions of themselves.
We are using an uncommon content delivery system and all content would be easily accessible by everyone. Wide range of topics too.
We are very excited and we know people will love it.
1) We are in a time where you need to take your growth seriously, no one is coming to save you.
2) I am launching a media company with students turned family.
Do you want to learn skills and leverage them to build online and offline income?You can start this journey by watching the How To Start Conference.At the conference, I addressed all the foundational issues that people face when it comes to developing themselves and earning from their skills.You can watch the recording for Free by hitting the button below.