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- The Rule Of Five : The All In One Guide For Productivity and Profitability.
The Rule Of Five : The All In One Guide For Productivity and Profitability.
Run Your Day
It is either you run the day or the day runs you - Jim Rohn
Days are one of those things that you have in abundance, and while some people worry about how long they live, what you should focus on is how to maximise your days.
For years I struggled with my productivity, I got a turning point when I learnt from John Maxwell, the five things that leaders need to do everyday.
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I took up these five things and over the course of four years created a system that made it possible for anyone to achieve their goals daily with them.
John Maxwell talked about it from a Leadership point of view, but I know that the application can be broader and be applied to more fields.
After years of testing and tweaking, I used a worksheet model that anyone can use to achieve their goals no matter what they do.
The Rule of Five isn’t now merely five things that needs to be done everyday.
It has evolved to become a simple to understanding time management technique that will help you take control of your time and boost your productivity and profitability if you run a business.

There is a huge difference between being busy and being productive.
If you fail to understand this, you will just find yourself going through motions that make you feel busy but at the end you are not achieving anything.
I have been there and didn’t start seeing change until I starting withe rule of five system, and this system has not helped only me.
Since I opened it up to the public, there have been a lot of testimonies from people who got the guide.

If you study and assimilate this guide, you will never have to worry about productivity again.
There are a lot of distraction that starve you of focus, trends, notifications etc.
You live in a world where more and more things are being designed to hold your attention, making other people to earn from your attention while you struggle.
Social media drains your attention everyday, but you are probably finding it hard to earn from it.
Using the rule of five, my students have been able to accomplish a wide range of things.
Some who offer products and services use it to increase profitability.
Online courses are hard to finish for many, but using the rule of five, finishing online courses is much easier for my students.
There were people who didn’t know how to start when it comes to building a person brand or knowing what to do to make money online, the Rule of Five gave them a solid foundation to start.
The Rule of Five gives you a level of productivity that most people only dream of.

You probably have a library of books that you are yet to read, or dozens of Ebooks saved to your phone that you are yet to open, yet you use the same phone everyday to waste your time on social media.
Using the rule of five last week Thursday, I was able to read a 300+ page Ebook within the space of Four hours.
I was also able to note down major points in the book and start acting on it immediately.
It would take the average person two weeks to finish that books and for some people, it will take a month or more.
July is ending and if you aren’t in line to achieve all that you set out to achieve this year, then you need a change of tactics.
It is time for you to stop using corona and quarantine as an excuse, money is still being made by people who are making use of a working system.

People making use of the rule of five have gone from a point of limited income to a point where they doubled or did 10x of their income.
Setting an income goal of #500,000 for the month and hitting #302,000 in the space of 9 days in no small feat.
There is a lot that you can do with a growth of income in this period.
The Rule of Five is one of my most valuable resources and it is the only one that has universal application, no matter what you do or want to start doing, it accommodates that.
Below is a testimonial from one of my students, she is a hairdresser and also makes Wigs and she has been able to use the Rule Of Five to get more things done daily.

I track my daily income daily and above is what I was able to earn from my WhatsApp last month using the Rule of Five.
And WhatsApp is just one source of my income.
There are a lot of things that you have dreams of doing but you are being held back by money, but once you master the rule of five all that would be history.
You would get started on the path to working on all the things that you have planned to do.
To get your own copy of the Rule Of Five, message me on WhatsApp by clicking the button below.It goes for 15,000 only
P.S One More Thing
When you get a copy of the Rule Of Five, I will also send you
WhatsApp Money
An Introductory guide for anyone seeking to make money from their WhatsApp.
This book contains the foundational strategies that I used to monetise my WhatsApp and you would be getting it for free when you buy the Rule Of Five Today

It is not about how long you sleep, it’s about what you do while you are awake - Gary Vee
Many people feel that productivity and growth only happens when you wake up early. Waking up early is important, but what you do while you are awake equally matters.
Get the Rule Of Five Today to totally change the way you learn and work daily.