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  • Social Distancing For Skills

Social Distancing For Skills

One dish at a time

Good day guys

First of all, thank you for you patience. I was supposed to send out this newsletter yesterday but I was totally swamped and I lost track.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are Newsletter days, and I decided to make it up to you by posting today after missing yesterday. (Thanks to Antigenx for pressing my neck about this).

I have always been the one to press necks but mine was pressed today.

I take accountability very seriously and I am always ready to hold people accountable or to be held accountable myself.

Today I want to talk about social distancing but for skills. 😷

I did a little talk on it this morning on my WhatsApp status and got replies from people who were struggling with having so much on their plate, skill wise.

In this time and age there is so much things to learn out there and it may look overwhelming when you check and see a galore of courses to take or skills to learn.

Most jobs or businesses these days require you having more than one skill and for most people they always struggle with the best or first one to choose.

Then key to this is picking one skill and socially distancing yourself away from others for now.

This can involve unfollowing people who teach diverse skills as their content would only distract you from the skill you have in hand

Do you ever think about all the dishes you have to wash in your lifetime?

No, you focus only on the dishes in the sink. This should also be applied to learning skills. Don’t think about all the stuff that you have to learn.

Focus on what’s in front of you and what you need right now.

With time you would slowly stack up all the skills that you need. And like I always say, more skills won’t save you if you don’t take action and earn from the one you already have.

Most people keep learning skill after skill without taking action and they fail to realise that they won’t earn from five skills if they fail to take action and figure out how to earn from one.

Before learning design I was earning only from my writing skills for years. I made my first million from blogging alone.

I have learnt more skills with time and gotten even better, but I would’t have gotten here if I wasn’t taking action.

So choose one skill and devote the next six to eighteen months to becoming good at it and figuring out how to earn from it.

Ajulu Notes + Makers Community = Day One Community

I launched the Makers Community earlier this month and I have also been writing these Notes since last year.

I have decided to combine them both into what I call Day One. It is a community of people who are ready to build what really matters to them.

This new machinery caters to both Entrepreneurs looking for the right Blueprint to Starting online businesses to also individuals who want to combat indiscipline and the fear of failure.

The Day One open community currently have 687 members (Newsletter) while the closed community currently have 33 members.( Slack )

With time I would announce what it takes to join the closed community.

You can follow the new Day One account on 👉🏾 Twitter 👈🏾

You can also connect with me on 👉🏾 WhatsApp 👈🏾 if you are yet to. I have a welcome gift for you that you would love so much.

You can share your thoughts about today’s newsletter below by clicking on the Heart button ❤️ and dropping a comment.

Looking forward to hearing from You.