How To Start

The beginner's guide to building remarkable things.

I am here to build the future, he said and she looked up & said, how about we start you on the present then?

And he was fine with that as long as there was a chance to move up and years later, he finally understood why she smiled and let him jump right in.

Begin Here - Brian Andreas (Theories Of Everything)

There are a lot of people who are stuck, they know that they are meant to be doing something, but they don’t know what.

I mean, everyone is meant to have a purpose.

You might be one of them.

The pressure to start something keeps building up as you watch other people around you do amazing things.

It is only a few people that keep their achievements off social media so you are bound to see wins here and there.

You might be at crossroads now.

You don’t know what to do and even if you are doing something now, you might not be sure whether it is worth it.

I am not new to the concept of anxiety. There have been times when I had doubts when it comes to doing or building certain things.

And to be honest, even though the testimonies of others helps in building conviction, there are still limits to which it can go.

That inner voice would always be there.

Is this thing the right thing for me ?

Will it work for me the same way it worked for Sam/Grace ?

How sure am I that this is what I am wired for ?

For You, this doubts might be skill based and this is the same for so many people.

Yesterday I wrote a guide for Day One members on how to go about learning any skill and making a lot of money from it.

Below is a screen shot from a section of the guide that addresses the issue of knowing which skill to learn.

An important key to all this is learning. You have to discipline yourself to learn.

I said discipline because based on the amount of information on the internet these days, no one can comfortably say that it is a lack of information that is keeping them from learning.

You just lack discipline.

If you are waiting for it to be like school days where a lecturer would have to come to class and teach you, then you are in for a long wait.

You have to go out and seek teachers and lecturers on the Internet by yourself.

No one would come to your house and make your dreams come true - Grant Cardone

You are not confused on what to do because you are disadvantaged based on your background or country.

You are confused because you haven’t gotten understanding of what to do.

Understanding comes from acquiring knowledge. See the formula below:

Knowledge >> Understanding >> Wisdom.

You can’t skip knowledge and understanding and get Wisdom.

When you acquire enough knowledge, you would have an understanding of what you need to do.

With time as you take action, you would get to know what works. That’s wisdom.

You aren’t lost, you are just early in the process - Gary Vaynerchuk.

Don’t let the initial confusion that you face now, make you lose faith in yourself.

Once you start learning. You would get more and more enlightened on the things that you need to do.

Someone who views my WhatsApp status saw my posts about learning last week and asked me to mentor him on how to proceed.

I gave him a task to visit and read six articles from the blog everyday for seven days (42 articles in total) and take notes of what the learnt from each article.

Today is Day Two and he messaged me thanking me that he has learnt a lot.

I am confident by that 7th day, his level of understanding would have been greatly increased.

Always take the step to start, you can never be entirely sure of how a thing would turn out if you don’t take action.

It is either you win or you learn. I have built amazing successes on the backs of my failures.

Failure also gives you leverage as you and people would know that you know what works. I have profited from selling the wisdom that came from my failures.

So go all in and build. It is only those who dares that delivers. if you keep waiting for the perfect thing and time, you would lose the most important thing which is time.

Take responsibility today to grow and also build.

I would leave you today with this quote

Destiny is not a gift, destiny is acquired.Responsibility is the determinant of destiny. - Bishop David Oyedepo

See you on Tuesday.

Day One is a newsletter that goes out Tuesdays and Thursdays, the purpose of this newsletter is to spur people to work on the things that really matter to them, and to also ensure that they work on it with the right process and systems.

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